Freshmail offers email design software that can be used to create tailor-made mailings. Contemporary visions of marketing include targeted email marketing, appreciating its capabilities. Mailings usually are sent to a select group of customers that can be selected for demographics data or by purchase frequency. Very often they use personalization, which is reflected both in the headlines, which show the courtesy and customer"s name, and in the content itself, which is tailored to the customer"s shopping interests. Email design software offered by Freshmail allows marketers to simplify the mailing process and its creation. The mailing system uses own customer databases to help users to select customers for mailing, but also streamlines the delivery itself.In practice it means to allowe systems users to send emails at a specific time, best according to the terms of email openness, based on previous shopping experience.
Nowości w systemach okiennych i szybach zespolonych.
Coraz więcej szkła występuje w konstrukcjach budynków. Czy może ono pełnić inne funkcje niż tylko ochronę przed deszczem i wiatrem? Rozwiązania technologiczne i nowoczesne instalacje niskoprądowe pozwalają na dodanie nowych funkcji i możliwości szybom okiennym. Co potrafią nowe szyby? Szk...